DONALD Trump could “face a JFK-style assassination” if he tries to end the brutal war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s crackpot crony has warned.
The chilling threat came just two days before the world finds out whether the Republican strongman, who survived two assassination attempts, will become America’s new leader.
Crackpot Putin crony Dmitry Medvedev warned Donald Trump could ‘face a JFK-style assassination’[/caption]

Vladimir Putin and former US President Donald Trump pictured at a meeting in Kremlin in 2018[/caption]

The Republican strongman has survived two assassination attempts this year[/caption]
Mad Vlad’s puppet Dmitry Medvedev on Sunday claimed Trump may face the same fate as John F Kennedy in 1963 should he win the presidential race.
On his Russian Telegram Channel, the ex-Russian president and longest serving prime minister, said: “A tired Trump, issuing platitudes like ‘I’ll offer a deal’ and ‘I have a great relationship with…’ will also be forced to follow all the system’s rules.
“He won’t be able to stop the war.
“Not in a day, not in three days, not in three months.
“And if he really tries, he could become the new JFK.”
The crony also branded Kamala Harris “stupid” and “controllable” who would be “afraid of everyone around her” should she take over the White House.
He further blasted that Moscow has “no reason to have any inflated expectations” of the results of the US election.
Medvedev, who sits as Putin’s number two on the Kremlin’s security council, went on: “For Russia, the elections will not change anything, since the candidates’ positions fully reflect the bipartisan consensus on the need for our country to be defeated [in the war].
“Kamala is stupid, inexperienced, controllable and will be afraid of everyone around her.
“A synod of the most important ministers and assistants will rule, plus indirectly the Obama family.”
He continued: “Only one thing matters: how much money the new POTUS will knock out for someone else’s distant war – for his military-industrial complex and for the Bandera scum [Ukrainians] to cut up.
“Therefore, the best way to please the candidates for the highest American office on November 5 is to continue to smash the Kyiv Nazi regime.”
It comes after Medvedev’s Saturday warning that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons and trigger World War Three if provoked.
The crony chillingly claimed the US and West were “wrong” in thinking Putin wouldn’t turn to nuclear weapons if Nato sought to inflict a defeat on Russia in the Ukraine war.
Medvedev said: “If we are talking about the existence of our state, as the president of our country has repeatedly said, we simply will not have any choice.”
He then goes on to call whoever does a “moron” and that Russia would “simply not have any choice”.
Medvedev blasted: “If the new [US] leader is going to be fiercely dedicated to adding fuel to the fire of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it will be a very bad choice.
“Because this is the road to hell
“It’s really a road to World War Three.
“Whoever decides to continue the war will be making a very dangerous mistake,
“You have to be an absolute moron.”
Just days before, Putin, 72, ordered surprise nuclear drills to ensure they were “ready to unleash Armageddon”.
The Kremlin dictator continues to flex the country’s nuclear muscle amid spiralling tensions with the West over the war in Ukraine.
Putin has repeatedly threatened to use tactical atomic weapons throughout the war in Ukraine.
The Russian leader said: “Today we are conducting another training session of strategic deterrence forces.
“We will practice the actions of officials to manage the use of nuclear weapons with practical launches of ballistic and cruise missiles.”
He outlined how he had modernised Russia’s nuclear arsenal with hypersonic alterations.
As he ordered the drills, Putin ominously demanded: “All this is necessary for the effective protection of Russia and our citizens.
“So, let’s get to work. Please.”
In his TV address, the Russian ruler made a rambling justification for his obsession with nuclear firepower amid the bloody conflict with Ukraine and fears of a new World War.
The Kremlin dictator added: “Let me immediately note that Russia confirms its fundamental position that the use of nuclear weapons is an extreme exceptional measure to ensure state security.
“At the same time, we are well aware that it is the nuclear triad that continues to be a reliable guarantor of the sovereignty and security of our country.”

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, now a senior Kremlin security official, pictured with Vladimir Putin[/caption]

Medvedev also branded Kamala Harris, pictured with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, “stupid” and “controllable”[/caption]
Category: News, World News, Global politics, Nuclear Weapons, Ukraine war, US presidential election 2020