Best PayPal Accepting Casino in the Philippines

By Quintdaily

There comes a time in every casino player’s experience when they begin to think about the hows and whys behind what makes certain payment options better than the others. After all, there are many common payment options, and they all seem equally as beneficial at first glance to the player, but with a little closer inspection it becomes very clear that each one comes with its own strengths and weaknesses.

What makes a payment option ‘good’ is how well it serves its purpose, and how well it works for what you need it for. Luckily, there are many options to choose from, such as PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, and many others. This article will go into detail about PayPal as an online casino payment option as well as which casinos that accept this method are the best out there at the moment. Some will also give you extra bonuses on deposit when using this payment method.

PayPal is a household name when it comes to online payment options, so defining it as a service is pretty easy. Since its inception many years ago, the service has grown to be so large that this payment option can now be found in almost every country in the world. When it started out, the company was interested in a small corner of the online shopping market. The goal was to offer an easier experience for people who wanted to buy things online without having to enter in all kinds of personal information all the time. The same goes for online casino players.

Sites like eBay, and other electronic sales sites began offering PayPal as a payment option and it really didn’t take long for the company to just explode. Ever since then, the service has never stopped getting bigger and more powerful, and they are continually getting into new markets as they gain a stronger foothold in the financial sector. The company is now licensed, for example, with the same stringent guidelines that big-name banks must be, which goes to show you just how safe and secure it is as a payment option.

What PayPal is now can be described as many things: it is an e-commerce site that allows for simple and hassle-free online transactions, it is a platform by which businesses of all shapes and sizes can connect to their customers by securely transferring money back and forth, and it is quickly becoming a go-to option for those looking for casinos with PayPal as a payment option. Many new online casino sites will offer this as one of their methods.

Online Casinos that Accept PayPal

By now, you must be wondering how PayPal works at online casinos, and fortunately for you, it is very easy. The first thing that a person who plans on joining a PayPal casino needs to do is to go to to their site and set up an account. The process is quite easy as all that needs to happen is a confirmation of the payment methods that are going to be attached to the account.

An interesting thing about PayPal is that it can act as a middleman between a cardholder’s credit card, a savings account, or a checking account. When used like this, there is no need to actually load the account with funds, which can take a few days depending on a number of factors. Instead, after the initial linking of accounts, which also takes a couple of days, all future payments are made through PayPal directly from whichever account is connected to the PayPal account.

Alternatively, PayPal can also be used as a kind of online, virtual wallet. When used like that, the account works as its own bank account. Money is loaded onto the account, either from a card, a bank transfer, or even another person’s PayPal account. Once it shows as spendable funds, the only thing left to do is to enter the PayPal credentials on the payment screen that pops up wherever the service is being used. Many mobile casino sites makes it easy to deposit and withdraw money to your player account.

Whichever model of PayPal you feel most comfortable with, each one comes with the same outstanding security provisions and insurance to ensure your safety while playing online. When a PayPal casino decided to add it to their list of payment options, they were doing a service to their customers by giving them an extra level of security. Besides being safe and secure, payments made with PayPal are very fast as well, adding the list of benefits that go along with the system as a casino payment method. If you want to try playing casino without real money we recommend you to check out our free spins no deposit page.

Use Secured Payment Option Like PayPal when you are Gambling Online

  • Q: What kinds of fees should be expected when using PayPal as a payment option at an online casino?
  • A: Generally speaking, fees when using PayPal are lower than those found with other services. It is difficult to give a direct quote here as casinos have their own fee schedules, but you can expect PayPal to be less.
  • Q: What can I do if the casino that I want to play at does not have PayPal as one of the accepted payment options?
  • A: The easy answer here is the PayPal pre-paid debit card which is powered by MasterCard. This card is linked to the PayPal account but operates exactly as a standard MasterCard would.
  • Q: How quickly are money transfers to and from the online casino handled when using PayPal?
  • A: Because the PayPal system is so robust, it can take a while to get all the payment options set up, but once they are payments and withdrawals are made instantly.
  • Q: How difficult is it to use PayPal as a payment method compared to other payment methods?
  • A: On a scale of difficulty, where 1 equals very easy and 10 equals extremely difficult, PayPal would be rated as a 3. Making the payments and loading the casino account are both incredibly simple as all that is required is an email address, but the initial setup is not as easy as some other methods out there.

Advantages of using PayPal as your Payment Method

PayPal is a great option to be used as a casino payment option for many reasons. PayPal casinos are often some of the largest out there and they tend to know what they are doing. The fact the PayPal is being offered, is a good indication that you are going to enjoy a lot of worry-free gaming. It is one of the most versatile payment options available, and also the most robust. As the company is the largest online payment provider and facilitator in the world, they have the unique ability to provide seamless financial services across every payment option that you could think of.

In fact, when you look at the payment options available at most online casinos, almost all of them can be connected to a PayPal account bringing several payment options under one roof. The service also operates as a shield between your accounts and cards and all the people on the internet, which makes it a very safe option to use. If you still need another reason to regard this payment service through a positive lens, looking at the fees that they charge for deposits and withdrawals should make you happy as they are lower than those of many of the other payment options available. Bitcoin Casino is a popular method as well.

Disadvantages of using PayPal as your Payment Method

It should be clear by now that we think fairly highly of PayPal as a payment option. That is especially true when working in conjunction with a PayPal casino, as the entire process is seamless and safe. There are, however, a couple of cons that we think you should be aware of. When you first open up an account with PayPal, it can take more time than you would like to get things going to the point that you can actually start using your account. While the account is very easy to set up initially, there is no money in the account to be used.

To get your accounts and cards connected and verified can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on a variety of factors. It can also take some time to get money credited to the account, which makes PayPal difficult for first-time users. While this is only really a problem in the very beginning, it is still a consideration and if you are planning to use PayPal to fund your gaming, it is probably wise to think ahead.

Another issue that can creep up is with the number of casinos that actually offer this service provider as a payment option. As we already mentioned, the system is making its way into the industry so we expect that the number of online PayPal casinos will increase, but for now it feels like there is a bit of a shortage. Now, this complaint has to be taken with a grain of salt because the PayPal casinos that are available are full-featured casinos that offer wide ranges of games and promotional content, and once you find one there really isn’t much of a need to go anywhere else.

Secure and Encrypted Payments Online

It is no secret that every time your credit card information goes online you are taking a risk. It may be a very small risk, but it is a risk all the same. Entering all of your financial information directly onto a casino’s signup page, for example, may seem a pretty safe thing to do, and in many cases, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, but you are putting a good deal of trust in the casino operators and the security personnel that they have working for them.

Using a service like PayPal is different. Your sensitive data lives in only one place, and when the service is used it is all safely kept behind an encrypted curtain and is not visible to anyone other than the PayPal staff. The only personal information that gets shared is the email address that is connected to the account. Another important security feature that comes along with PayPal is that as the company is so huge, they have no problems handling disputes if there are any errors with any of the transactions that take place.

Obviously, talking about ‘mistakes’ is not the best way to sell a service, but selling is not what we are doing here. All the biggest financial organizations in the world can suffer from hiccups in the flow that they have set up for their service to work, but what is important is that the largest of these institutions always respect the fact that accidents do occur, and they are always ready to help fix it. PayPal very much shares in this quality, and they always make sure that any and all disputes or issues are handled quickly and accurately. You should have no question in your mind about whether it is safe to use.


Be responsible and cautious. One feature that has been highlighted above on the information is some of the online casinos in Philippines that accept PayPal. However, assess the platform for safety, reliability, and compliance with local legislation. You can check online reviews because they vary in credibility; some might be very credible while others would not perfectly reflect your own experience. Only go for it if you’re sure about the platform and never invest money you can’t afford to lose. Such would be responsible gambling; even if the experience might not be as enjoyable as hoped, at least no unnecessary risks are involved.

The post Best PayPal Accepting Casino in the Philippines appeared first on QuintDaily.

Source: Best PayPal Accepting Casino in the Philippines

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