Watch bungling robbers’ botched getaway as they drop loot & speed off with boot open… but cops STILL don’t catch them

By James Evenden

a man standing next to a black car with a license plate that says nz

THIS is the moment bungling cops failed to stop thieves fleeing with loot in a warehouse raid despite their completely botched robbery.

Comedic footage showed the masked robbers as they stole “thousands of dollars worth” of power tools from a Queensland hardware store at about 1.30am on October 14.


Hilarious moment a cop launches a limp kick at the already moving car with the criminals inside[/caption]

a man is standing next to a black audi in a parking lot

The thieves don’t seem to be in much of a rush as they load their stolen items into the car[/caption]

two men are standing next to a car in a parking lot .

Cops are left stunned as they fail to stop the robbers or recover the goods, even after the boot flew open during the escape[/caption]

CCTTV video from the suburb of Bigger Waters shows the pair seeming relaxed as they stroll up to their unmarked black Mazda to pack their stolen goods.

In a dramatic turn, when a cop car quickly approaches them from the front, the criminals seem all but done for.

However, the duo managed to evade the law within 10 seconds.

They had enough time to get into the car, with a box still inexplicably resting on the roof, and blitz away.

The car rapidly reverses, launching the box onto the windscreen, assumedly blinding the panicked criminals.

As they leave, their boot hilariously flies open, revealing their items, but somehow nothing falls out.

Meanwhile, the copper only manages to launch a half-hearted kick towards the car, which by then had already begun speeding away.

The cops are left alone at the crime scene, with nothing to do apart from stare at each other, dumfounded.

They were able to recover the box that fell from the car roof.

The person who shared the video was quick to point out the poor effort by law enforcement.

They said: “This is the “tough on crime” effort our Australian tax dollars buys”.

The unconventional robbery took place in 11 minutes.

It is currently unknown to The Sun if authorities have been able to identify the two burglars.

The Queensland Police Service have been contacted for comment on the incident.


Sometimes robbers aren’t so lucky.

In October, brave Post Office workers successfully disarmed a thief’s fake gun after he tried to rob a NISA store in Scotland.

Footage shows Robert Danskin, 36, brandish an imitation gun – described as ‘indistinguishable’ from a real weapon’ at staff.

He demands staff member Cheryl Gourlay fill a bag with money before jumping over a counter and assault her by seizing her body.

But brave Cheryl put herself in front of the till and refused to comply with his requests.

She then shouted to her colleagues who came rushing to her help.

Her colleagues ran over to counter to help her – wrestling Robert to the ground.

One staff member wrestled the pistol out of Robert’s hand whilst punching him.

The event took place in Abbey View, Dunfermline back in June 2024.

In November, the botched robber was sentenced to nearly five years in prison for the offence.

The court heard that he had a conviction for a similar offence in 2007.

More than 27,000 people have liked and shared messages of support beneath the video of the incident, which has been viewed over two million times on X.

Bystanders joined in to help the shop staff
The moment Robert’s robbery attempt starts to go wrong, as bystanders join in to help disarm him
A judge commended the workers for their brave act
He is then wrestled to the ground
Danskin was disarmed by the post office staff
Staff and members of the public successfully disarm the thief’s gun, which turned out to be fake

Source: Watch bungling robbers’ botched getaway as they drop loot & speed off with boot open… but cops STILL don’t catch them

Category: News, World News, Crime, Police, Social Media